Update on questionnaire responses and details of party/meeting 20 August 2011

The FROTH steering group met on Friday 5 August to consider the responses so far to the questionnaire we circulated last month, and to discuss next steps.

We are pleased to report that 29 people/couples/families have already given us their answers, with more promised. The spreadsheet of responses available to download from the web site brings together (in no particular order) the answers so far.

Of the 29 respondents to date, 14 said they wanted their answers to remain completely anonymous. Some others wanted the financial bit to remain anonymous. The rest were happy for their answers to be made public in full. Given all that, it seemed to us that the best way of presenting the information on the spreadsheet is to keep everyone’s individual answers (including on money) entirely anonymous, but to have a separate list of people who were willing to be identified as potentially investing. They are: A R Handley, Alan Ward,Chris & Sally Saunders, Dave Whitley, David Wolfe & Amanda Illing, Don & Nicky Turner, Graham Hedger, Jan Pedgrift, Jeremy & Bridgett Quinlan, John & Lucy Fox, Kelvin Rawles, Mark Battle, Ron & Cass Illing, Ros & Antony Wilson, Toby & Ann Wolfe.

Although there are some clear patterns emerging in the answers on issues like tenancy/freehold and on how voting should work, the steering group has decided not to narrow things down yet. We will consider doing that after the next party/meeting, when more people have had a chance to respond to the questionnaire. In the meantime, we will continue to explore whether, for example, it might be possible to get better terms for a tenancy from Edward Bolton, than he has offered so far.

We are very encouraged by the offers of money so far, and in such a short time. The 29 responses already include offers to a total of £54,500. Of the 29, eight are at £250, two at £500, nine at £1,000, two at £2,000, one at £2,500, two at £3,000, four at £5,000 and one at £10,000. It seems that everyone is pitching in with what they can afford, which is great. We are assuming that the figures people are giving are the gross amount in each case (i.e. how much you would actually hand over). We are hoping that the scheme could be set up to attract ‘EIS’ tax relief at 30%. That would mean that you would get 30% tax relief on any investment you made (i.e. if you invested £1,000 you could get £300 back in tax relief so the £1,000 investment would only cost you £700 net).

The responses are particularly encouraging given that we know that there are more people who have said they are willing to invest, but have not responded so far, perhaps because they wanted to see how others responded before doing so themselves.

But, obviously, there is still a long way to go. And that’s why we are hoping that a lot more people will send back responses to the questionnaire ahead of the next party/meeting which is on Saturday 20 August in the Village Hall.

If you have not already responded, then please do so. We are keen to find out what everyone wants in terms of how to proceed. And we are keen to raise as much money from people living in the area before pushing for money from other people.

All further responses will be treated in the same way as those received so far. The actual responses (whether in paper form or sent by email) will only be seen by 3 members of the steering group: David Wolfe, Amanda Illing and Mandy Morton. They will then compile and present the information in the same form as the attached spreadsheet. If you say that you want to remain anonymous, then we will respect that. If you don’t say that, then your name will be added to the public list of people responding (and potentially investing). But your answers and what you say about investing will not be linked to your name in either case. We hope that is sufficient to meet your need for privacy.

Please read (or re-read!) the report from last month before answering the questions. It’s on the website to download. So too is the questionnaire.

If you want to send your answers in paper form, please drop them off at 6 St Peter’s Close. If emailing, please either amend the questionnaire document and send that, or just put answers into the body of your email to froth@charsfield.org.uk.

If at all possible, please respond by Friday 19 August so that we can report on the up to date position at the party/meeting the next day, Saturday 20 August.

On that Saturday, the bar will be open from 6pm to 11pm on Saturday evening. Don Turner will be cooking up fresh paella (chicken/chorizo or vegetarian), and there’ll also be hot dogs for the kids, so come hungry! The meeting will start at about 7.30pm.

The Village Hall bar will also be open on Sunday 21 August from 1pm to 3pm for anyone who wants a Sunday lunchtime drink and sociable relaxation.

We have not yet fixed the date of our party/meeting for September – we hope to do so in the next few days and will let you all know as soon as we can.

Any questions? Contact us on froth@charsfield.org.uk

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